Oct 13, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell

Welcome to the ranks. DMOR since 2021. I wake up most days in utter disbelief. The levels of cognitive dissonance out there are fascinating. The extent to which people will contort themselves to avoid "going there" are only measurable by the viciousness of the ad hominem attacks that are levelled at us. And boy, I have collected them like grim trophies. From those nearest and dearest to me, moreover. Be prepared for a rough ride. There is no turning back, and you will yearn for it, every minute of every day, but know that it's impossible.

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Indeed, no way back now. I'm no Cypher Reagan.

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Further thought leads me to an unhappy conclusion: the same kind of don't-make-me-think-about-it response to the horror of potentially having put one's own children in danger will probably play a large role in public reluctance to be red-pilled on the danger of giving more mRNA doses to children. As Public News points out in a piece today on the CDC coverup of the danger of myocarditis to boys and young men, part of the insistence on maintaining a booster regimen for children and young people is based on not admitting that it was dangerous in the first place.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell

It's not just about what people may have put their children through. It's also, in the main, about people not wanting to know what they have done to themselves. That is why most will absolutely not face this. Ignorance is bliss. Or, at least, if not bliss, then just a small little niggle somewhere that is firmly sat in the corner, while they loudly trumpet that they're "getting on with their lives - why don't you!" and leave their thinking and decisions "up to the experts".

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The CDC going it alone on this is bizarre. Not happening elsewhere.

I said in the article that I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but neither do I have a closed mind, and the manifest harms of the COVID-19 vaccines made me curious. I read J.B.Handley's 'How to End the Autism Epidemic' on the back of a recommendation from RFK Jr in an interview, and it is very interesting. I'm not in a position to judge his overall theory without vastly more research of my own, which I'm not inclined to do, but I did learn a lot from the book. In particular regarding Andrew Wakefield, whose story has taken on mythic status. Almost everything I have been told about this 'bogeyman' is wide of the mark. Klein trots out the same things that I used to believe were the facts in her book. His story has much greater nuance than I imagine most people realise.

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Elsewhere didn't/doesn't have Tony Fauci in the administration influencing all sorts of agencies and their policies and positions. For which you may be grateful. It may make it easier for people in general to wake up. Who knows, it may have also saved a generation from experimental gene therapy outside the US.

I've come to be very suspicious of the term "anti-vaxer" because much of the time it's just another ad hominem (like "conspiracy theorist") used to shut people out of the conversation by making them look contagiously toxic to engage with -- the whole guilt by proximity thing again. Once I started looking at the positions of some purported anti-vaxers I found their assertions, for example, about the potential dangers of mercury-based vaccine adjuvants don't seem like wild-eyed, unhinged, lunatic ravings to me. Maybe they're not right on some of the facts, but the evidence-based approach to considering these issues looks pretty rational on casual inspection. The thing RFK Jr keeps saying is, "here's the evidence I have, if it's wrong, show me where." So yeah, I haven't drilled down into the question of autism and the childhood vaccines battery enough to feel informed, but I do have to say that mandating Hepatitis-C vaccination for newborn infants seems very weird and suspicious.

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Just stumbled here while browsing. What a find! Great review, great analysis, thanks for this!

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Thank you, Ulrika.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell

Absolutely right! I am another former admirer who thinks Klein has gone through the Shock Doctrine looking glass. Haven't (and won't) read her hit piece on Wolf, who I also used to like. Might as well be titled "She's the Karen, not me!" The woke left not only kills its mothers, it kills its sisters too. Pathetic.

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Thank you. Andrew Barr has written another (and very good) review, homing in on the same issue: https://stiffnecked.substack.com/p/authors-who-havent-read-their-own

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell

Sorry, one of the most positive results of the Covid Disaster, and the discord of SubStack, is that I have found so many nuanced voices, opinions that in the past I would not have ever heard - now, yours included. I am almost positive from reading this, that there are many political issues that we might well hold differing opinions. Yet, by having the opportunity to hear you, in “long form”, I learned much that I did not know, and find several areas of agreement with you. I look forward to putting you on my seemingly ever growing of “must reads” list! Thanks!

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That's very kind. Thank you.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell

Excellent review! One of

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This was excellent!

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Thanks, Coleen.

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Bravo Nik Jewell !!!

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Thanks, Willard !

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deletedOct 2, 2023Liked by Nik Jewell
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Thanks. We have no end of 'champagne socialists' here in the UK, who think they know what's best for the working class, whom they despise.

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